Making it Even

So after Colin’s birthday had ended and I posted the blog I began to feel bad.... knowing I never posted a memory blog after Lily’s birthday party. It is an unwritten law that if you have two kids you always have to make things equal.
Although I have had a good six months to find time, I must voice my excuses...

-her party was extravagant and the dust is just settling...

-it was right before Christmas and I was super busy...

Ok no matter what excuse I need to post the memories for her but mostly for me. She only turns two once and I will someday need to revisit these times. So with out further ado, she will get her post now!

Lily is smart and quite mature for the age of two so I was "hired" by her to throw a barn yard themed party. Ok so I’m exaggerating she didn’t demand it but she sure did have some strong opinions. Like wanting a pony named Cheryl and A LOT of cup cakes. As always I went a bit over board but she is well worth it. This in fact it is the anniversary of the most blissful moment of my life. Her Birth day.

My parent’s house was the perfect setting for our barn yard themed party. With hay bales and tractors setting the scene. A petting zoo and pony rides entertained the guest for a great majority of the day, although the pony was not named Cheryl. My dad had a kid size picnic table built just for the party and the kids loved it. They filled there bellies with pigs in a blanket, corn on the cob and a whole chuck wagon of other foods. They sipped on cow poke punch and wore straw cow boy hats. I was fully satisfied with the feeling of the party after one young man (4 years old) stood on the picnic table and yelled "are we in Hilly Billy hell?" I still belly laugh think about how funny it was. On days like birthdays we can stop and look beyond the temporary distractions in life and realized we have constant joys. She is ours.

I get butterfly’s thinking of what a good day it was. Nothing could have been better.
This day of celebration was well….like her birth day. Planned and prepped with the anticipation of perfection. And it was just that perfection. Just like 2 years ago my heart rate dropped a few times and I felt nervous and excited…then she arrived and looked me the eyes and at that moment I knew nothing could be better. Happy Happy Birthday Little Lily Lou!


Today was our baby boys party.

My carpet has 3 cupcake stains and one large salsa stain as a greeting by the back door. Today was perfect.

so much so that tears welled in my eyes, oh about ten times. Happy tears because i thought my heart would burst from taking it all in.

the celebration of life.

the gathering of littles.

the fact that the day was beautiful and that everything fell into place more than i could have ever imagined.

I’m a planner. I like things to go accordingly, so when I plan a party it’s a big deal. My whole life my dad has always told us to PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL! And I live by that.

At noon the back yard began to fill with kids. Our fiesta was in full force with my dad, his brother, and his dad cooking carne asada on a charcoal grill, my mom filling and refilling bowls of chips and salsa, my sister flipping tortillas. Life long friend sharing “remember whens” and kids……kids squealing, belly flopping in baby pools, running through sprinklers and just enjoying the day.

The best parties are when everyone is in the spirit to party.
Today was that day, so much so that at one point everyone wore a Mexican mustache for a little while. Some even went as far as the sombrero-mustache combo.

Colin was happy. Since he was capable of showing emotion he has always been very happy. I always said he was the most smiley baby I know. Now he is one and still lights up a room with his constant smile.

The day only consisted of one major breakdown, but it only lasted for a moment. My dad decided the two and three year olds were way to slow at breaking the piñata open so he took it in to his own hands and beat it till the candy flew. Though I’m sure he thought the kids would be thrilled….they were not. One child in fact fell face first in tantrum mode. They were content taking turns lightly hitting the piñata and breaking of tiny bits off at a time. We may have been there well in to the night had my dad not done the beating.

Being in the presence of littles with the combination of laughter, sunshine, sprinklers and good friends was seriously perfect.
But for now, I am grateful for the magic that was today.
For the fact that our son is healthy and happy.

Grateful for life……. Every day we should celebrate it.

My Mother

I have been a mother of two now for almost one year. As I sit to write this I soul search for the words that do justice in explaining motherhood. Soft, kind, understanding, selfless, strong, proud. The words came easier then I thought because all I can think of is my mother.

She my everything. As a kid I tried my best to be good, though testing her was not unknown. Not matter the circumstances she understood. She gave me confidence, always allowing me to try whatever adventure I would come up with. When I was 8 I wanted to own a ranch and raise horses, she dreamed with me. Bought me books, pushed me to keep my eye on my goals. She even bought me a horse. Though dreams of an 8 year old change quickly with age. As racing horses was my new goal, she prayed for my safety and for Gods speed. Always telling me how proud she was. When my candle would burn out, we would talk for days until something new sparked my interest and again I had every ounce of her support. In my teen years not only did I have every ounce of her support but I had every ounce of her money. Every breath she took felt like it was just for me, she defines selfless. She showed me a win only comes with hard work and even when I didn’t win she would guided me to do better. Though many times I would come to her with a problem, her answers were always wrapped in kindness. Making me feel better and solving the problem with class. Now and then the answers would not be what I wanted hear, but a soft hug or just holding my hand always made it that much better. Even now as married woman I still long for her when I am sick or frustrated. Sometimes my heart lets me know when my mother is the only healing power that will soothe me. When the adventure of motherhood knocked on my door she was standing behind me to greet it. She cheered me on during labor, gave me guidance when I felt like I had no clue why babies cry, she told me she was proud of me for breastfeeding so my babies would have every chance at good health, and holds my children as if it is her last chance. She loves them like she loves me. Her physical strength is great, spiritually is inspiring and the compassion she has as a mother is astonishing.

The bond we share is immeasurable, especially now that we are both mothers. These days my life is full of happy chose. Potty training, teething, diaper duty, story time, play time, play dates, snuggles, band aids, pretend eating, real feeding and eating, laundry, gym time, pay attention to the husband time, grocery shopping, cleaning, hugs, kisses more snuggles. Sometimes it feels like life is suffocating me and there is not another thing I can squeeze in…but my soul is drawn to my mother. So daily I will find time to call her or stop in and see her. When I don’t she understands because she is my mother.
Happy Mothers Day to all mammas!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

My heart is overflowing- so full It is tough to breath. My thoughts never allowed me to see the immense love I would have for my second child. I will admit after taking the pregnancy test I was concerned. I had perfection, beauty, everything I ever wanted in a child. She was my girl, my life.

Then the next morning I woke up in love for the third time. I didn’t know who he or she was but I knew it was my baby and I was its mamma. 9 months of only being mine, tiny kicks that no one would ever get to experience like me and the sound of a heart that would make me hold my breath so I wouldn’t miss a beat.
Delightful is a perfect description of my son. Quiet yet friendly. Though he may be a man of few words he is funny and smart. The way he mimics his sister makes me belly laugh. He dances to any music and bring tears to my eyes when he open mouth kisses me. I am charmed by his laugh when we play peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. I adore the pleasure he get out of playing with toys. His hands and feet fascinate me, flawless soft skin and perfectly chubby fingers and toes. The way he claps in pure joy. His smile is another subject I could talk about for days. The love I have for him is beyond my control.

I am amazed to see how one tiny being can take over an entire mind, heart and soul. Colin is my perfection, beauty, everything I ever wanted in a child. He is my boy, my life.

A whole year is just about to pass since the day he joined our lives. His second year of life will bring new adventure and experiences that will shape him as a person and me as a mommy. Mostly ones he will forget and I will cherish. Though It seems like one year is a short time, it feels as if I have loved this boy forever. Happy first Birthday Colin!

May 5th 2010 (on our way to the hospital)

First Bath

4 Months Old

11 months Old!


The weekend played out like cherished memories of my childhood. Saturday we decorated eggs at my mom’s house, but it was even better than being a kid. All we could do was laugh as my first time egg dyer Lily, as she decided to dip her arms in the bucket of dye all the way up to her elbows…….and just bathe. It was out of my control at that point so all we could do is laugh! If you keep up with my blog you are familiar with the fact that my child likes to be naked, so yes it was naked egg dying and then a little naked quad riding.

Sunday was perfect. A morning full of excitement and wonder as kids flung plastic grass across the living room floor digging through their baskets. And of course the two year old interrogation of how the ester bunny got in the house to leave the treats?. Breakfast consisted of half a chocolate bunny each, a lollie-pop and maybe a little plastic grass for Colin too. The big egg hunt at my parents was a charming. A dozen little girls turned out in their spring print dresses and adorable boys spiffed up in church attire. The yard was sprinkled with happy families and friends of forever. It is a day we all look forward to every year and I am so thankful to my parents for giving us these memories and giving us a chance to pass it on to our children. Happy Easter!