Today was our baby boys party.
My carpet has 3 cupcake stains and one large salsa stain as a greeting by the back door. Today was perfect.
so much so that tears welled in my eyes, oh about ten times. Happy tears because i thought my heart would burst from taking it all in.
the celebration of life.
the gathering of littles.
the fact that the day was beautiful and that everything fell into place more than i could have ever imagined.
I’m a planner. I like things to go accordingly, so when I plan a party it’s a big deal. My whole life my dad has always told us to PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL! And I live by that.
At noon the back yard began to fill with kids. Our fiesta was in full force with my dad, his brother, and his dad cooking carne asada on a charcoal grill, my mom filling and refilling bowls of chips and salsa, my sister flipping tortillas. Life long friend sharing “remember whens” and kids……kids squealing, belly flopping in baby pools, running through sprinklers and just enjoying the day.
The best parties are when everyone is in the spirit to party.
Today was that day, so much so that at one point everyone wore a Mexican mustache for a little while. Some even went as far as the sombrero-mustache combo.
Colin was happy. Since he was capable of showing emotion he has always been very happy. I always said he was the most smiley baby I know. Now he is one and still lights up a room with his constant smile.
The day only consisted of one major breakdown, but it only lasted for a moment. My dad decided the two and three year olds were way to slow at breaking the piñata open so he took it in to his own hands and beat it till the candy flew. Though I’m sure he thought the kids would be thrilled….they were not. One child in fact fell face first in tantrum mode. They were content taking turns lightly hitting the piñata and breaking of tiny bits off at a time. We may have been there well in to the night had my dad not done the beating.
Being in the presence of littles with the combination of laughter, sunshine, sprinklers and good friends was seriously perfect.
But for now, I am grateful for the magic that was today.
For the fact that our son is healthy and happy.
Grateful for life……. Every day we should celebrate it.